Saturday, November 7, 2009

Amazing Day at the Waterfalls

Today was probably filled with the most fun Bethany and I have had since we left the States in July. Some of my students invited us to go with them to visit waterfalls today. Bethany and I were both really tired from the week and just wanted to take Saturday to relax. But I felt like this would be a great time to get to know my students out of the classroom.

I actually felt a little guilty that we were going. I knew Bethany needed a quiet, uneventful weekend, but I also knew the opportunities that this day would create. So I was pulled in both directions. Whose need would come first, my students need to spend time with their teacher or my wife’s need to recuperate after a long week? Well, I didn’t have to choose. All things work together for good for those that love Him and are called according to His purpose. I just followed His leading, and today was just what the students needed and just what Bethany and I needed.

They picked us up at the house at about 9:30 this morning. We hopped on some motorbikes and away we went through beautiful countryside and villages. It was about an hour drive to the first waterfall but it was spectacular. I’ve never seen anything like it before. First, we ate lunch at the top of the waterfall with our feet in the cool, fast running water. Then we made the venture down to the bottom of the waterfall. Bethany and the other girls just went half way. It was very muddy and slippery from all the water coming off the falls. But me and the other guys decided to go all the way down until we reached the very bottom of the waterfall. Looking back, it was quite dangerous but so worth it.

The day wasn’t just filled with breath-taking scenery but filled with friendships being strengthened. I’m not sure that our relationship will develop into the kind of friendship I was expecting. It might always be a student-teacher relationship. But we’re growing closer and it’s fulfilling to be apart of their lives. It’s fulfilling because it’s all been orchestrated by someone who loves them more than I ever could.


  1. Beautiful pictures and so thankful that it was a good day for you both! hope you are getting some rest today before starting in again tomorrow.
