Don’t worry. They have nothing to do with each other, as far as I know. Last week, Bethany and I went to look for a motorbike. We have been without personal transportation since we left the States. It sounds awful, but it hasn't been that bad. It can be a bit inconvenient, but I think it has helped slow our lives down. And you know we love that.
The motorbike is a Honda. We were told that it was the best brand that Laos had to offer, and I certainly don’t want Bethany having a motorbike break down on her in the middle of no where. I haven’t taken it over the 50 mile an hour mark yet. There hasn’t been a need. And don’t forget, it’s not a motorcycle. It’s a motorbike. Better than a moped but not too much. There were about three colors to choose from so it wasn’t like picking out a paint color for the house. I’m not sure I could have survived that again.
One of my Lao friends took me and my teammate Jeff to purchase mine and his. They gave us all free jackets, which I will not be wearing. The rest of the day was was spent cruising of course! There is a sense of freedom now. We can come and go as we please, and we love it.
Now to Moses. I’ve been reading in Exodus lately. To tell you the truth, drawing application from the old part of the Book is difficult for me. But as I’ve been reading about Moses, the Father has been bringing some things to mind. I thought I might share them.
The Father doesn’t call people with perfect records. Just before the Father called Moses to his great task, Moses murdered another man. Moses was a murderer. Sometimes I don’t feel worthy to carry His precious gift, and I ask Him why he would ask me to be his son and messenger. But I’ve been reminded that He never calls on a perfect person. We can only be made perfect through Him.
The Father is responsible for equipping us. Moses is the classic example. He could not speak well. The Father chose a man with confidence issues to approach the most powerful man in the world to deliver a message from the Creator. It doesn’t make sense. Or does it? How could the Father receive the glory if everyone thought Moses was a confident, eloquent speaker? But Moses was equipped. The Father gave him his brother Aaron to be his mouth piece and the ability to show the Father’s power.
Just because we follow the Father’s instructions, it does not mean that our life will make sense to us. Moses went to Pharaoh just as instructed. But instead of replying favorably to Moses’ request, he doubled the work load of the Israelites and dealt with them even more harshly. Moses’ actions affected a whole nation "for the worse." You would think that if you followed His instructions, your life would be easy and grand. But the Father had something different in mind to reveal His power and glory.
Finally, following Him requires great sacrifice. We have all looked at heros in the Book and wondered if we could ever be used to accomplished such great things. It seems so glamorous. But I seriously doubt that Moses was feeling like a celebrity. The Israelites begged him to leave them alone. It seemed as if he only brought them trouble. But Moses did not listen to man but listened to his Father. I am sure it wasn’t easy. And I am even more sure that it was at great personal sacrifice.
I'm having flashbacks of pictures of Micah on his bike with his jacket in France. :) Camden and Rory will be very glad to hear you don't have to walk anymore.