Monday, September 21, 2009

More Training, Class Schedule Received, and Housing Complications

I feel like training never ends. I guess it never really does, but we’ve been in “training” since July 20. That’s 2 full months! But this is our last week of training, really. Today we met with the whole team. All returning members and new members met for the first time. There are 16 team members all together. And it was a good day. Of course, Bethany and I didn’t know what to expect, but we knew that the Father had put this team together with purpose. Each individual is so different. I’m not sure I could have hand-picked a team that is so diverse. Isn’t that to his glory! He made each one of us with a special purpose. Think of us this week as we try to build bonds between our team.

Bethany and I received our class schedule today! We both are very happy with the outcome. I am especially happy. Bethany is teaching one class a day. Each class is 1 hour and 40 minutes. She is teaching Oral Communication to 3rd year students and Critical Reading to 4th year students. She’s teaching a total of 10 credit hours. I, on the other hand, am teaching 3 days a week! You heard it. I am teaching 3 days a week. Of course, I’m teaching more hours each day than Bethany, but I’m really excited about my “days off.” I’m teaching all 4th year students. And I’m also teaching Oral Communications, as well as, Essay Writing. I was so excited about the writing classes. I’m also teaching 10 credit hours a week.

Something interesting happened on Saturday. I received a phone call on my cell. It was a number I didn’t recognize. Of course, when I answered, it was someone who only spoke Lao. Yes, I’ve been studying the language, but by no means can I have a phone conversation in Lao. I was able to tell the lady (in Lao) that I was sorry that did not understand her and that I only spoke a little Lao. After we hung up, I took the phone to someone who did speak Lao. She called the lady back. It happened to be our landlady in Pakse. She called to inform us that someone else offered her more money for the house that we have agreed to rent, and she wants us to pay more or she’ll give it to someone else. Well, that wasn’t the best news we’d ever heard, but we told her that we still wanted the house. We are going to look at renting another house that has 3 bedrooms for the same price as our 2. I guess this is what it means to be flexible.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, what a bummer! But I'm sure it will all come together.
