Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Both Happy and Sad

These past few weeks have been like none other. On Friday morning, December 4, Bethany and I learned that her grandmother passed away. It was her Mom’s mother and last living grandparent. Bethany’s family is very small and very close. Although Bethany’s family was unsure that we should make the journey to the States for the funeral, I knew that Bethany would only regret if we didn’t go.

It’s hard to explain how we felt the moment we learned we would be going home. Home has been on our hearts the moment we left. And the Father knew that we needed to be refreshed. I hope I’m not being too candid, but to be honest, we knew that the return to Laos would be one of the hardest circumstances we’ve ever faced.

The journey wasn’t easy. It took 51 hours from door to door, Pakse to Nashville. It was also very emotional. Bethany and I we’re nervous as we stepped off the plane in Nashville. I’m not exactly sure why. I can only speculate that since we’ve been trying to fit into another culture for several months, we weren’t sure how well we would readjust to our own culture. Of course we were tired but didn’t have time to recuperate. The visitation and funeral were the following day and a graveside service was held the following morning.

To tell you that it was good to see family and friends would be a gross understatement. It had been a long time since that much love was tangible for us. In Laos, we have a team for which we are very grateful. But the joys and the trials we’ve experienced with our Nashville family through the years have created bonds that are strong. The support we felt in the short days we were there c

annot be adequately described.

And thus, it was difficult to return to Laos. The evening before we left was filled with many tears, as were the days to follow. I think despair would be a good word to describe how we felt last week. We felt helpless and wanted nothing more than to return to th

e States. But last week might have been our time of greatest growth in the Father and as a couple. Bethany and I know that we need each other now more than ever and that we can count on one another.

I also want you to know that the Father is using us to make an impact. Some affects we can see and some we cannot. But it is good to know that this sacrifice is not in vain. He is using us.

At the Thailand border.

Steve and I in a very small mode of transportation. We didn’t fit!

Now the happy part of the story. Bethany’s parents have come for Christmas! They will be here a total of 10 days. We picked them up on Thailand on Sunday. And it has been a joy for them to be with us. We took them to the market on their first day in Laos, and Bev was wide-eyed the whole time. And of course, we put up a Christmas tree that very day. Bethany did a beautiful job, if I do say so myself.

Our Christmas tree in Laos!

The Tree

The Topper

We haven’t been very active though. We’ve just been at the house enjoying each other’s company and eating good food. Steve is going to class with Bethany tomorrow. And they are both coming to class with us on Thursday. The students will love them!

Steve and Bev brought bags of goodies for us from their fellowship in Pleasant View, Tennessee. Bethany and I feel so loved and our bellies will be full for many weeks and months to come because of their generosity.

All of our goodies from Goodsprings FWB Fellowship!

And now for what you’ve all been waiting for. This is a video of Bethany and Beverly on our motorbike. They are a sight!


  1. It wouldn't let me watch the video!

  2. It is so strange to see your parents there! I can't wait to get over there too!

  3. Aw, I love you guys. Russell, it was so great to see you. Bethany, wish there had been time to see you too. Love the updates and blogs. Keep 'em coming!

  4. I am so sorry to hear about your recent loss of your grandmother. I am glad you were able to travel back to the States for the time with your family. I haven't heard from you two in quite some time. I thought you had fell of the face of the earth!!! I hope you truly enjoy the Christmas season with your family. You are so lucky! :-)

  5. Mrs. Bev let out her wild side when she put her arms out. She getting a leather jacket for the holiday?

  6. Am just now getting a chance to read this (I know it is hard to believe but there are STILL houses in the US that don't get a good internet connection!), I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your grandmother, Bethany. It was very sweet to hear Camden talk about you both to the Father on Christmas Eve. Thinking of you often...thanks for being transparent, I can only imagine some of the emotions and difficulty you faced coming back to the States and then returning...love to you both and so glad Bethany's parents were able to come for Christmas...know that was good as well.

  7. Hey you two!
    I'm sorry to hear about your loss and the trauma of culture jostling. However, I'm glad He is using those trials in your life to bring you closer to each other and ultimately to Him!
    Looking forward to eating good food with you in Thailand :)
